The new JET class from Washington, DC departs for Tokyo TODAY! For the final time, here’s an introduction to one of these new JETs on their way to Tokyo this morning. Check back in with Bryan (and other new DC JETs) throughout the year to see how JET is going.
I was fortunate enough to hear about the JET Programme through a number of current JET colleagues and friends that studied with me at Penn State. Three of those friends span the distance between Fukuoka, Nara, and Hokkaido and shared his and her experiences with me and made the decision to apply for JET concrete. That being said, I am very excited to start off on a new leaf making new intercultural connections, widening my understanding of Japan and learning a new array of skills be it, language, culinary or communication that will project me into my future self.
Before I leave for Japan, I must get myself a double bacon cheeseburger from Five Guys, and fries, they blend perfectly. It comes in a old-school paper lunch bag and when you bite the fry, the fry bites back. Fortunately, I am excited for a changed diet, but that last day in america will be quite yummy and highly anticipated. One place I’m most forward to visiting is Mt. Fuji. I heard the view from the summit in the morning is breathtaking and worth the climb. In all, I am excited for the JET programme and to engage in cross-cultural interactions.
Just joining in? Catch up with other new 2013/2014 JET participants…
Ooooooh, a baker! I’m sure that will be a great conversation starter with your teachers and students You should see if you can bake a cake with your students in one of your classes; what a fun lesson that would be!
When I got to the top of Mt. Fuji it was too foggy to see anything, but it was still worth it as a fun and challenging climb. Eating ramen at the mountain top restaurant was one of my favorite meals while in Japan.