In an effort to better know our members both new and old, we’ll be posting a brief introduction to one lucky JETAADC member each month. If you’d like to be featured as our Member of the Month, please contact Kat Kovacs at

Name: David Baasch
Nicknames: Baasch, Baaschido
JET Placement: Shintotsukawa, Hokkaido
Where I’m from: Laurel, Maryland
What brought me to DC: It’s (basically) home!
The funniest story from my time on JET (that’s fit to print!): I was initially very concerned when I was invited to “enjoy the rape festival” in a nearby town. I quickly learned “rape” was a plant/flower (na no hana in Japanese; “rapeseed” or sometimes “canola”). From that point on I decided that my legacy as an ALT (at the very least!) would be to get people to use the word “canola flowers” instead. (The na no hana fields were actually quite beautiful.)
The strangest food I’ve ever eaten: Live sea urchin.
What I miss most from Japan: Eating live sea urchin (i.e. fresh seafood!); Impromptu yakiniku parties; Limited edition food and drink at the local konbini; Farm restaurants.
The lesson I learned while on JET: Practical Lesson: Frozen pipes. Don’t let it happen to you. Life Lesson: Be open to new experiences.
The game my classes always went totally crazy for: “Fruits Basket” or anything involving janken.
The perfect JETAADC event would be: Talent show! (That might be a stretch…maybe a karaoke taikai?)

I knew I lived (was back) in Washington, DC when: I was stuck on the Red Line for 30 minutes during rush hour.
The person I would choose to play me in a movie is: Jon Heder, Michael Cera
Who is your favorite Japanese TV personality? Louis Kurihara

The question I’d most like the next Member of the Month to answer is: What Japanese phrase or word do you find yourself still using in the U.S.?
Two truths and a lie:
I’ve bungy-jumped over Victoria Falls.
I’ve skydived over Great Keppel Island.
I’ve performed in Carnegie Hall.
Weigh in! What’s true and what’s the lie?
I guess I’ll go for the Carnegie Hall performance as the lie!