JETAADC Shinenkai!

posted in: Japan, JET, JETAADC, Social | 0

Due to the success of, and feedback from, JETAADC’s karaoke performance at the Japan Commerce Association of Washington’s New Years Celebration, we have decided to combine two of our more popular events, our Shinenkai and our Nihingo Dake Event, for an evening of Nihongo (and non-Japanese) Karaoke!!!

Dust off your best izakaya nihongo and your old SMAP favorites, and let the good times roll.

When: Saturday, February 26th, 5pm – 8pm (drop in any time)

Where: Muzette Karaoke Lounge

2305 18th Street, NW

Price:  JETAADC will cover the room fees, participants will be responsible for covering their own food and drink  purchases.  We have two rooms reserved and one room will be exclusively for nihongo- dake karaoke!  Friends of JET (FOJ) are welcomed but, please, no entourages!

Please click below for more details

JETAADC Shinnenkai Karaoke Party