JETAADC Kaiwa Club at Ko Japanese Dining

posted in: Events, JET, JETAADC, Social | 0

JETAADC will have its next Kaiwa Club on Friday!

When: February 7th 6-8pm

Where: Ko Japanese Dining (1610 20th St NW, Washington, DC 20009, Second Floor) @kojapanesedining

If you are interested in joining us to speak Japanese or network with your fellow JET Alumni or Friends of JET please register here:

The reservation is under the name “Devin.”

All language levels are welcome!

While not required, the restaurant owner would appreciate any food orders being given at least two days in advance, to speed up service.

If you know what you want, please email your food order to

You can find the menu here:

Please note that all participants will be asked to pay for their own orders separately.

We hope to see you there!