On April 10, JETAADC and the greater JET alumni community in the Washington, DC metropolitan area were honored to be able to attend the White House’s Arrival Ceremony for Prime Minister of Japan Kishida Fumio and Mrs. Kishida Yuko.
On behalf of all JET alumni in attendance, JETAADC would like to express their appreciation to the Embassy of Japan in the USA and the JET Program USA Office for the invitation. During the Arrival Ceremony, it was very exciting to see the strength and diversity of the JETAADC community spanning different generations.
Prior to the ceremony, on April 9, JETAADC Co-Presidents Neave St. Fleur and Lauren Mosely met with Mrs. Kishida and other JET alumni to attend a Japanese Tea Ceremony and discuss the impact and continuing importance of JET on their lives and careers. On the same day, JETAADC Communications/Technology Chair Vivian Chen and Language Chair Devin Woods met with Prime Minister Kishida along with other U.S.-Japan exchange students/young leaders to share their experiences through a dialogue on Japan-U.S. friendship and cooperation. JETAADC would like to express their deepest gratitude again to the Embassy of Japan for granting board members the opportunity to participate in these events.
JETAADC will continue to strive to support the JET alumni community and promote the importance of the enduring friendship between the United States and Japan. For more information about the two events on April 9 mentioned, please see the following links below:
Mrs. Kishida’s Japanese Tea Ceremony with JET Program Alumni and Others
Prime Minister Kishida’s Dialogue with the Next Generation for Japan-U.S. Friendship and Cooperation