JETAA Elections

posted in: JET, JETAADC | 0
Dear JETAADC Member,
As you may know, most JETAA Chapters hold their elections in March, and JETAADC is no different.  Within the next week or so, we will be circulating position descriptions, and other information on joining the JETAADC board.  Please stay tuned.
Additionally, JETAAUSA Country Representative Elections will also be held in March.  If you are interested in running for a Country Representative position, the requirements and links to relevant documents are below.  Please note that the deadline for submitting an election platform is March 7.
If you have any questions about either item, please feel free to contact me.
Mac Maloney
President, JETAADC
Requirements for US Country Rep
  1. A candidate for the position of JETAA USA Country Representative must be a registered alumna/us of the JET Programme and a current or past duly elected officer of a local chapter, or a non-elected officer endorsed by the chapters, but does not necessarily have to reside in the area where s/he was previously a chapter officer. The current JETAA Country Representatives may submit platforms for re-election.
  2. Candidates for the position of JETAA USA Country Representative must submit an election platform in writing by sending them directly to the designated Elections Officer at by March 7, 2011 as indicated above. The platform should not exceed 2 pages. Any election platform received after the deadline will not be considered for voting.
  3. If you are interested in running for a CR position, we recommend that you work on getting the Endorsement Forms formed filled out and signed by two chapter officers, as coordinating these signatures can often be an arduous task. The platform must be accompanied by three items:
    1. a headshot
    2. Chapter Endorsement (from officers of the chapter where the candidate served as officer)
    3. Financial Endorsement (from the host chapter the CR will submit the US Country Rep GIA funding through)