On July 17, the statue of Sadako Sasaki, the 12-year old Hiroshima atomic bomb survivor who strived to fold 1000 cranes before she died of radiation related leukemia and became a symbol of peace and hope, was stolen from Peace Park in Seattle, Washington.
JETAADC and The Asia Group would like to invite you to a “foldraiser” on August 14 from 4 – 6 pm to support the Seattle Quakers who are working to restore the Sadako statue to Peace Park. Come join us in making cranes at The Asia Group office (2000 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Suite #1000, Washington DC, 20006) to place at the statue until a new one can be acquired.
>>Please RSVP here.<<
If you would like to make a donation towards purchasing a new statue please feel free to send directly to: office@ufmseattle.org.
Adults and children of any age are welcome to join. Snacks and soft drinks will be provided. We look forward to seeing you!