JETAADC 2012 Elections

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Elections for the 2012-2013 JETAADC year will take place at the next general business meeting on Thursday, April 26, at 7pm at The Embassy of Japan.  We will elect four executive officer positions and several committee chairs.  Click here for a list of the positions along with a brief overview of the basic responsibilities. Although we need at least one person to fill each role, it is entirely possible to split responsibilities between two or more people.

If you would be interested in running for one of the positions, please write a short paragraph describing yourself and your ideas for JETAADC and email it to by Wednesday, April 25.

Even if you are not interested in running for a chair position, please stop by the meeting to meet other JETAADC members and learn more about the organization.  Dinner will be served.  If you are interested in attending, for security purposes, RSVP to the JET Program Office via email at ( by 5 pm on Wednesday, April 25.

Click here for more info.