Come and enjoy the fall weather and a delicious Japanese bento from Toryumon’s new Arlington location. Chat warmly with your fellow JET community members from a careful social distance! Click here to purchase tickets. The confirmation page will lead you to the Bento Order Form.
Guidelines: Please bring your own picnic blanket, chairs, and non-alcoholic drinks. Picnic areas will be marked and spaced six feet apart or more and masks will be mandatory unless eating. If you are feeling or have recently felt unwell, please do not attend.
Date: Saturday, October 10, 2020
Time: 12:00pm – 3:00pm
Location: Virginia Highlands Park, 1600 S Hayes St, Arlington, VA 22202-2741
Price: $20
Masks and social distancing will be mandatory. Please do not attend if you feel unwell.
The deadline for purchasing tickets is October 3 so that we can maintain careful control over the number of attendees and bentos. We will NOT be accepting on-site ticket purchasing so purchase your ticket today! Email jetambassador@jetaadc.org if you have any questions about this event.