JETAADC Networking Event 1/6

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Happy New Year!

We hope you are enjoying the holidays and finding time for friends and family.  The new year is upon us and we’re looking forward to staying connected with you in 2011!  To kick it off, we’ve got our first monthly networking event next week, January 6th.  Join JETAADC at the Hawk ‘n’ Dove on Thursday from 6-8pm. Come early because Happy Hour specials run until 7pm and include $2.50 selected domestic bottles, $3.50 craft beers, $2.50 rail drinks, $1.50 Miller Lite pints, and $5 sliders.

Hawk ‘n’ Dove
329 Pennsylvania Avenue SE
Washington D.C. 20003
Tel: (202) 543-3300

They are 3.5 blocks from both Eastern Market and Capitol South metro stops. Look for the name tags and the JETAADC signs.

* Keeping with our plan to hold these networking events during the first week of every month, our next networking event will be held on February 1st at Cafe Asia.

— Rachel and Becky