Reminder JETAADC elections platforms are due today

posted in: Japan | 0


Nick Harling
Mie-ken 2001-03
JETAADC Vice-President

Dear JETAADC Member,

This is just a friendly reminder that the JETAADC officer platforms are due today by midnight. Please email them to me at The platforms don’t have to be anything fancy. Please provide your name, the years and location while on JET, and a brief message about why you are running for a particular office.

The platforms will be posted on the JETAADC website tomorrow. You will receive an email on Sunday evening about how to begin voting. The polling will cease on Wednesday April 6, at 6pm. The winners will be announced Wednesday evening.

Again, we currently have received no platforms for the following positions:

* Outreach
* Newsletter
* Webmaster
* Returnee Support/Returnee Handbook
* Volunteer

I would encourage all those who have emailed me seeking more information about these positions to submit a platform. Anyone still on the fence about running should feel free to email me with your questions.


Nick Harling
Mie-ken 2001-03
JETAADC Vice-President